Prior to coming to the pest control field I worked in the log cabin industry...

This experience has been valuable in helping me understand construction in general and also what it takes to keep your log cabin looking beautiful.
The first visitors to show up at your cabin are usually carpenter bees. But there are many other bugs that enjoy living in and behind the wood. Then the woodpeckers come to join the party—now get ready for some real damage! The wood peckers are normally going for the bugs that are in the wood. So what do I do about it?
First, I’ll treat the bugs by going over the whole structure treating cracks, crevices and bee holes with insecticide dust. This usually takes a good bit of time to do properly.
Now we’ve removed the food source for the woodpeckers, and protected the wood from insect damage. Since woodpeckers are a protected species, we can’t do anything to harm them, but if they still persist we can set up various scare devices that are usually effective.
Protect your investment from the pests that would like to eat it!